Nose:一開始是撲鼻的泥煤、煙燻、紅酒香、麥芽、些微的鳳梨等等,而後轉出果甜、百香果、香草、太妃糖、一點點柑橘,百花綻放而引人入勝;15分鐘後雪莉味加重,夾一些些的薄荷和太妃甜,而煙燻到20分鐘後依舊,搖晃一下是濃郁的雪莉與果甜,只是再過5分鐘香味開始減弱,但薄荷涼意猶在 22
Palate:甜味一路到底,煙燻、泥煤、黑胡椒、麥芽、香草、堅果、雪莉和少許的炭味,果甜在中段帶出微微的柑橘,橡木桶未在尾端有些輕淡,但作為背景襯托得極好 21
Finish:中,dry,香草、堅果、橡木桶,微微的苦和甜甜的柑橘 21
Comment:這是Murder兄寄回來的酒,Glen Garioch品酒會時取來,真是彌足珍貴。而品飲前忘了Serge的酒評紀錄寫些什麼,只記得有類似雞尾酒的敘述,這般的敘述其實也造成或多或少的困擾,只因為經過幾天的疏懶,似乎感官便混亂退化了,有些抓不住的空虛感覺。
這種空虛感在First nosing時尤其明顯,泥煤、煙燻及紅酒味都算強烈,但要如何去描述許多似曾相識的水果甜味?我的感官或許真的被「雞尾酒」所牽引,但nosing裡的百花齊放感覺卻騙不了人,至於入口後綿延持續的甜絕對是Moscatel的影響,可為什麼會有雪莉味?Finish不甚長,但我喜歡尾韻裡的苦與甜,不是焦糖味的甜,更喜歡杯底殘留的香味,甜甜的太妃、香草和些微的泥煤,還帶點柑橘香,十分受用。
雪莉味只是一種籠統的說法,在很難去尋找感官經驗時的不得不然。我同意Serge,這支酒的確不像Coal Ila,至少不是我認知的Coal Ila,但好喝! 21
1. Serge的酒評
A brand new one finished in Moscatel, which is a kind of Muscat mostly used in hot countries to produce sweet wines. It's usually quite light and aromatic.
Colour: gold.
Nose: much more straightforward than expected and certainly not 100% Caol Ila, in the sense that it's much fruitier and sort of exotic. I get quite some grapefuit, bananas, papaya,lots of fresh ginger (wood? peat?) then white and black pepper, cloves, quite some juniper... I guess all that comes from the interplay between Caol ila and the wine and what's funny is that you can't really recognise any of them. A third dimension?
Palate: it's much, much more on Muscat now, the whisky's really overwhelmed. We have again truckloads of fresh ginger (maybe Caol Ila hides somewhere the pineapples, something musky (from the wine), nutmeg, various other spices... Maybe this one will be interesting on Moroccan food! The finish isn't too long but extremely muscaty again... Well, the wine stole the show here, obviously.
The end result is kind of an oriental cocktail that's quite enjoyable, I must say, but quite far from what I'd call "whisky" or "Islay", not to mention "Caol Ila". A rather pleasant "mixture", still. 82 points.
2. Moscatel是以廣泛種植在葡萄牙或西班牙的Muscat這種葡萄所釀成的甜紅酒,譬如葡萄牙所生產的Moscatel de Setubal、Moscatel de Favaios等等,Madeira島也利用Muscat生產Moscatel Madeira wine,且Muscat也是用來釀製雪莉酒的三種葡萄之一(取自Wikipedia)。
- Aug 05 Sat 2006 17:51
Coal Ila 1993/2006, Moscatel Finish (43%, Distiller's Edition)