時間:5/31/2014 Ardbeg Day
Nose:濃濃的泥煤伴著稍高的酒精刺激直竄上杯口,濃濃的燒烤煙燻隨之而上,許多的木炭下隱藏了香草甜,麥芽甜也跟著浮出,許多的甜巧克力,15分鐘後添入微量年輕的木質一點點青草暗示和少許藥草、薄荷,這種以木炭煙燻為主的香氣雖單純,但延續性佳,超過30分鐘仍不墜 23
Palate:很直接的泥煤與燒烤煙燻,大量年輕的木質伴著胡椒、荳蔻辛香,酒精刺激明顯,一些麥稈暗示,少許麥芽甜隨後浮出,一點點乳脂,少量可可亞與巧克力,加水之後顯得圓潤一些,一點點甘草、薄荷暗示 20
Finish:短~中,木質澀感,辛香刺激依舊停留在舌兩側,微微的泥煤與燒烤煙燻,略苦的可可亞和巧克力 20
Comment:根據官網說明,這款於5/31/2014公開的Ardbeg Day特殊款,名稱是由代表金色酒液的Auri與綠色瓶身的Verdes共組而成,而其中Verdes也是巴西國家足球隊的暱稱(維基百科:巴西國家隊nickname之一為Verde-Amarela ,即The Green and Yellow之意) ,因此也同時向巴西舉辦的世足賽致敬,無怪乎當天場上熱熱鬧鬧的都是和足球有關的競賽活動,我也換上雨鞋下場踢了一場Ardbeg Swamp Football World Cup,搞得全身髒兮兮。
以作法言,Dr. Bill Lumsden提到:"When creating Auriverdes I had a distinct flavour profile in mind that I wanted to achieve, so I specifically created the heart of the recipe to bring that to life. It is an expression of Ardbeg which has exceeded all my expectations – it has the trademark Ardbeg undertones with a distinct new taste experience. Ardbeg Auriverdes has an explosive mouthfeel which gives way to complex flavours of coffee grounds, liquorice, maple smoked ham, malty/biscuit notes, white pepper and a good sweet/salty balance." 官網則說明這支特殊款將使用的波本桶端板作了特殊烘烤處理,因此帶出具有挑戰性的燒烤香草與摩卡風味 。
"There's no smoke without fire, but I'm confident its creamy vanilla sweetness will tame its dark mocha coffee side, " 酒廠經理Mickey如是說:"Anyhow, a bit of fire in the belly is no bad thing. " 是焉?非焉?留給喝到酒的酒友們做評斷,我個人則對口感不怎麼以為然。
- Jun 03 Tue 2014 16:54
Ardbeg NAS "AuriVerdes" (49.9%, OB, 70cl, 2014)