
我喜歡將這裡當作一個小小的私人音樂空間,許多讓我沉迷、多年吟唱不已的古典名曲,居然可以在這兒一一播放。我放過Chek Baker、Louis Armstrong和現在的Mel Torme,或許慢慢的再搜尋,引領著自己與浮蕩的酒香沉浸。

其實想寫Hotel California已經好久了,蠱惑著心靈形成某種haunting,在一曲難忘後,鬼魅般的前奏、終曲前的獨奏和難以理解的歌詞如此縈繞不散。Eagles自1977推出這首曲子,歷久恆新的歷經1980年底解散樂團和1994年的復出公演,不但沒有被人遺忘,反而每次聆聽這個un-plugged演唱會版本,木吉他隨著全場高漲的期待逐漸升溫,兩點鼓擊聲後,主唱Don Henley略帶沙啞的嗓音響起 "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair...",這樣的場面,比較起複合前的電吉他版本,總讓我不由自主隨著場內歡呼聲全身沸騰。多年來歌詞象徵、隱喻的對象眾說紛紜,而這家神秘旅店究竟有沒有「原型」,也流傳許多傳說。一直以為Hotel California本來就應該位在美國加州,但有個說法是這間旅店其實位在墨西哥Baja California peninsula上的一個小城Todos Santos,不過後來被Don Henley所否認,並認為這首歌隱喻的是「紙醉金迷的好萊塢讓人墮落的魔力」,和旅館並無太大關聯。無論如何,隨著近30年的時光飛逝,唱片專輯迄今已賣了1600多萬張,Eagles不但未隕,還在全球演唱繼續翱翔,而夜裡駕車追尋著高速公路遠處迷離的燈光,這首曲子總是會浮上心頭,猶如希臘神話裡的海妖Siren蠱魅的歌聲,招引著夜間遊蕩的靈魂... 

為什麼會想起這首歌?說來無稽,只因為歌詞中 "So I called up the Captain 'Please bring me my wine' He said 'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969'", spirit,字面上指的是酒、whisky,但暗諭裡當然是在1969已死去的某種精神、靈魂 - 那場在1969年舉辦,被視為搖滾顛峰的Woodstock聚會,集合了當代包括自由、反戰、藝術、搖滾等等所有的價值,但在Woodstock結束之後,反成為一則不可思議的神話,也是60年代搖滾樂與青年文化盛極而衰的起點。

但與其字字分析歌詞中的微言大義,我反而比較喜歡將這首歌與王家衛的「2046」比擬,只因為電影中流傳著,只要搭上了前往2046的列車,人們就可以找回失去的記憶,但從來沒有人可以離開2046,所以也沒有人知道這是否事實。我一直懷疑王家衛在長達五年的拍攝期中,不斷修改整部電影的主軸,而後從這首歌裡得到靈感,最後定調在反覆糾纏、無法翻新的記憶、一座禁錮的出租房間,和迷宮一樣的人來人往,2046房裡每個人心甘情願的沉陷,沒有人願意離開,一如歌中所唱的 "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device" 

想得多了,從spirit始,以前聽著不解其義,但聞香啜酒之餘,跟著Don Henley嘶吼幾聲,也算是進入SMW世界之後得到的另一種逸趣。 

Lyrics -- Hotel California 

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place (background)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
Any time of year (background)
You can find it here
You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany twisted
She's got the Mercedes bends
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain
'Please bring me my wine'
He said
'We haven't had that spirit here since 1969'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely Place
Such a lovely Place (background)
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise
What a nice surprise (background)
Bring your alibies

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said
'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember,
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
'Relax' said the nightman,
We are programed to recieve.
You can check out any time you like,
But you can never leave!

    創作者 Dave 的頭像


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